Pediatric Dentistry of Portland's Blog
Welcome to the Pediatric Dentistry of Portland Blog! Here you will find updates, tips, and other thoughts regarding our practice and your dental health. We hope you find this information helpful, and if you have any particular topic you'd like us to discuss in our future posts, please don't hesitate to contact us!
Back-To-School Open House
Date Posted: August 22, 2016 |
Posted By: Andrea Beltzner |
Please join us Saturday, September 17th 2016 for our back-to-school open house from 10:00am–12:00pm
Face painting, balloon animals, frozen treats and raffle prizes including Sonicare toothbrushes, movie tickets and more!
***All are welcome! Please bring your friends and neighbors!***
Shark Tooth!
Date Posted: January 26, 2016 |
Posted By: Andrea Beltzner |
 Dr. Andrea's little boy Charlie has his first loose tooth! You might also notice that his new permanent tooth is already starting to come in behind his wiggly baby tooth. This is really common with lower front teeth especially, and we call these special teeth "shark teeth." Charlie thinks that is pretty cool! Usually the baby teeth will fall out normally, but occasionally they need some extra help if the baby tooth isn't very loose and the new tooth has been in the mouth for several weeks. Lower permanent teeth will usually drift forward into a better position once the baby tooth comes out.
Click to read more  If this happens to your little one, have them work on getting the tooth out on their own for a few weeks, if the tooth is loose. We are always happy to assist if your child is having a hard time getting the tooth out, and we will put in a good word with the tooth fairy. Although not nearly as common, upper front teeth may also become shark teeth. We usually want to address an upper front shark tooth right away, so that the new permanent tooth does not come in in a crossbite or underbite position. Never hesitate to call our office if you have concerns with how your child's teeth are coming in. And remember to brush and floss! Even the wiggly ones!
A Year of Change
Date Posted: October 6, 2015 |
Posted By: Andrea Beltzner |
 Many of you may have noticed that we have recently updated our website! We thought a blog section would be useful for parents to find out what's new at Pediatric Dentistry of Portland In addition to updates and announcements about what is happening at our office, we will also write occasional blogs with useful dental health information on topics like dental trauma, how to help your child stop sucking their thumb, ideas for tooth-healthy snacks, when to see the orthodontist, fluoride recommendations, and information on oral hygiene. Please let us know if you would like to hear more about a particular dental topic, and we will try to blog about it in the near future!
Click to read more  This year has been a year of change at Pediatric Dentistry of Portland. As many of you know, we have had two office locations for many years. As of August 2015, the Gresham practice was sold to Dr. Elizabeth Lee, a well-established pediatric dentist, with over a decade of experience. It was a difficult decision to sell the Gresham practice, as we have built relationships there with so many children and their families over the years. Our dentists, hygienists, assistants and all of our office staff will really miss seeing all of you. Although it was a hard decision, Dr. Noel and Dr. Andrea know they will be able to spend more time with their families as well as being more available at the NE Portland office. We are excited to offer more availability for scheduling during busy times like summer and school holidays. Dr. Noel and Dr. Andrea, as well as additional dental assistants, will be working together on many of the school holidays and during the summer to accommodate many families who prefer to schedule their children’s appointments during those times. We are excited about now being able to serve our patients better at the NE Portland office with increased ease of scheduling. If you haven’t seen us in a while, we hope you will call and schedule your child’s appointment soon!